Jérôme Laran

Jérôme Laran is a French saxophoniste who uses GapCap and Key Leaves products to prevent sticky pads and clean the saxophone."The GapCap is excellent and the Key Leaves keep the saxophone playing well."  
- Jérôme Laran (Concert Saxophonist, Saxophone Professor at Conservatoire W.A Mozart and P.Dukas in Paris

Voted "Classical Revelation" in 2004 by ADAMI, Jérôme Laran quickly established himself as one of the most talented saxophonists of his generation. Trained at the Paris Conservatory, he obtained in 2002 a saxophone prize with Mention Très Bien unanimously First Nominated (class of Claude Delangle), the special jury prize as well as a generative improvisation prize before being admitted to development cycle.

Supported by the Sasakawa and Meyer foundations, he became a successively laureate of the CZIFFRA foundation and then laureate of Mécénat Musical Société Générale.

Jérôme Laran unanimously won the first prize at the international saxophone competition in Luxembourg (2000) and distinguished himself, among others, at the international competitions of the A.R.D of Munich (2001), Adolphe Sax of Dinant (2002) etc.

At the same time, Laran performed throughout Europe (Berlin Philharmonic, Cité de la Musique, Salle Gaveau, Auditorium of the Musée d'Orsay, Victoria Hall in Geneva), in China, Canada and Japan (Suntory Hall, Tokyo Bunka Kaikan , Opera City, Partenon Tama).

He has also been guest performer with the Incheon Philharmonic Orchestra (Korea), the Taipei Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan), the Boruslav Martinu Filarmonie de Zlin (Czech Republic), the Republican Guard Orchestra, the National Chamber Orchestra de Toulouse, the Ensemble Route, the Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia, and the Chamber Orchestra of Radom (Poland).

His qualities as a chamber musician led him to participate in many festivals: Pablo Casals in Prades, Autumn Festival in Paris, the Transclassics, Voix Nouvelles in Royaumont, Musica, Why Note in Dijon, Ars Musica in Brussels, Tokyo Summer Festival, festiv music festival in Yokohama. He is also the artistic director of the “Rencontres Musicales de Capvern” in the Hautes-Pyrénées, a festival he created in 2007.

Jérôme Laran teaches saxophone at the Departmental Conservatory of Aulnay-sous-Bois where his class has international influence. As such, he is a regular guest of the highest educational institutions in Japan, China, Taiwan as well as in several European countries.
