Hey Y’all! Key Leaves is going to TMEA 2018
Join Key Leaves February 14 - 17 at the TMEA Clinic/Convention
Booth #689 in Halls 1 & 2
San Antonio, Texas
Bring your saxophone to booth #689 for hands on demos and see for yourself how Key Leaves help stop sticky sax pads, reduce repair, and keep horns healthy. Teachers love Key Leaves sax care products because they are powerful enough for a pro yet simple enough for a beginner. By simply leaving keys open to dry clean, you prevent sticky pad rot and reduce costly repair. It's fast, natural care to stop horn rot and keep kids playing!

For Teachers & Schools
- Special Discounts on orders for your band or school district. Request a focused meeting during TMEA, or simply drop by to learn more.
- Reduce Repair for school saxes and prevent instrument malfunction that robs your budget and teaching time. We all want kids excited and learning rather than frustrated or sitting out because a horn is in the shop.
- Discover the detailed field test that proves Key Leaves stop stick even when a sax is not swab cleaned.
- Less Damage from Marching Band! Leave keys open to re-climatize after intense outdoor play so wet pads don't stick to tone holes.
For Student Sax Players
- Exclusive Discounts on Key Leaves custom-fit products including Vent Vine.
- Try Key Leaves sax products on your unique horn before you buy.
- Gear up so you can sound your best and trust you sax to play great.
- Stickers! Because every good sticker deserves a sax case home.