Key Leaves Announces ‘Music Store Stimulus’ Program to Support Music Shops Closed by Covid-19
During the Covid-19 quarantines we invite you to name the local music store you would normally buy from so we can credit them for your purchase if they are a Key Leaves Dealer. Together we can help support the music stores we love and need in our communities while they close their doors to help fight this pandemic!
Our family business is lucky to be able to continue making and shipping products from a home workshop during quarantine. Music stores simply can't do this. Please help us support the music shops that make your city a more musical place to live.
SEATTLE, April 7, 2020 — With so many of its retail partners unable to function normally due to the Covid-19 health crisis, Key Leaves has announced a “Music Store Stimulus” program. Key Leaves will credit its dealers for direct sales received at KeyLeaves.com to help support the many brick-and-mortar stores suffering from Covid-19 closures. This program includes all music stores that are currently part of the Key Leaves Dealer Network in the USA and overseas.
Shoppers on KeyLeaves.com will be invited to name the music store from which they would normally be making their purchase, and if the store is part of the Key Leaves Dealer Network, Key Leaves will compensate the dealer the markup amount from standard dealer prices for that product. The program is effective immediately and will continue until the pandemic subsides and most dealers are open again for business.
“This health crisis is causing music shops around the globe to shut doors, refuse repairs, and halt lessons,” said Key Leaves Founder and President, Rulon Brown. “If we do all we can now to give aid to local music stores, they will weather this storm and keep serving musicians, schools and communities. I want to give special thanks to Jody Espina of JodyJazz who started this innovative stimulus program in his business. It makes perfect sense for our industry to support each other this way, and I am proud Key Leaves can emulate Jody’s approach.”
Key Leaves is a family business that is now operating from a quarantined home workshop to comply with the Washington State “Stay at Home” order.
“We’re proud to make our products in the USA and keep shipping worldwide thanks to help from our immediate family in our home and other team members now working from their homes,” said Brown.